King of The Table 9 Results: Ermes Vs Vitaly, Devon Vs Gerogi and More

King of the Table 9 took place yesterday, and it had been a great event. As there were so many big matches last night. The main event was the Devon Vs Georgi match. Devon has leveled up so much since he lost to Levan last year. Since then he has shocked everyone by getting consecutive wins. The only loss he got was against Genadi.

King of The Table 9 Results
King of The Table 9 Results

After that Devon won every match. Devon has proved everyone wrong who considers age as a factor for not getting wins, but now Devon has surpassed that. As he is 49 still he is getting his prime. In the last match, he dominated Denis Cyplenkov.

Now let's talk about King of Table 9, who won and who lost..

Ermes Gasparini Vs Vitaly Laletin

As we all know Ermes and Vitaly both are great toprollers, and they are one of the greatest arm wrestlers these days. So we already knew it would be a war, but Ermes has leveled up so much since he lost to Devon in East Vs West 9, as this loss affected him so much and he totally changed his training style.
Now he has adopted the new training style.

Ermes has won against Vitaly with 4 pins as Vitaly got only 2 pins.

Devon Larratt Vs Georgi Tsvetkov

This match was one of the most hyped-up matches, as we all know Devon grabs everybody's attention with his trash talks and all. Devon is one of the best promoters in arm wrestling as he creates so much hype for the match.

As you know Georgi has never been toprolled by anyone, so it makes his wrist one of the strongest wrists among all arm wrestlers, we thought this match would be 50-50 but Devon dominated him completely as Devon got 6 pins and Gerogi was not even able to get a single pin.

As of now, it's clear that Devon has reached a completely different level in each aspect since his loss to Levan, now even we would not be surprised if he beats Levan next year in his rematch, as he is beating everyone continuously. 

Levan Saginashvili Vs Devon Larratt Rematch

As we know Levan got a wrist injury a few months ago, so he's been out of the game for so long. Now he has started his training but not completely as he is doing it slowly, so as of now Devon is number one but there is a possibility, there would be a rematch next year in April or May if everything goes ok,.

Also Read: Devon Larratt On a Rematch Against Levan Saginashvili

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